Monday, February 18, 2008

Insert random happy mushy gushy stuff here

Today has been an absolutely wonderful day. You know those days that it just seams that everything will go right, and the things that don't don't really seam to matter much? Well, it was one of those days. So bright and cheery and happy and wonderful-like.
It started out this morning (go figure) and it was bright and sunny and pretty. So I get up, dressed, do my hair, eat, and leave for school. Its cold outside, but not cold enough to make you want to bundle up. Really pretty. And the sky... it was so pretty. At the edge of what you could see it was a light powder blue and slowly faded into the deep blue that you want to cut a slice out of and keep forever. The bus was boring. And then at school I have to cross the field to go from bus stop to school, and because its a field there is grass, and because it was winter the grass had frost on it, BUT because it was sunny out the sun was reflecting off the grass so it looked like diamonds were sprinkled across the grass. It was so pretty. I wish I had a camera (and now that I think of it, I did, but at the time I didn't think of me cell and its pictures aren't as pretty). School was fine. It went by really fast. After school was nice and cozy. It wasn't warm, but it wasn't cold. I had to cross the field; which sadly did not have the frost on it anymore; to get to the bus. I took the bus farther then I usually did because I had to get my glasses. Now, I know I picked these glasses out myself, and I really did honestly truly like them when I picked them out, I put them on and was thought "Why did I pick these? There horrible?" But it was to late to back out as they were already paid for. I think it was just that I'm not used to them, and they are really different from my old ones.
On the plus side with my glasses if I look at the reflection of a light bulb or light in general from the lenses, its green. Don't know why, but its kinda cool. And then tonight at dance I happened to look up before going into the studio and spotted the stars. And wow. Just wow. They were so pretty. They weren't all out, and from where I was you couldn't see much anyway. But they were so pretty. They weren't the big/littlish globs of twinkling lights that you see. It was like someone had stretched black construction paper over the sky, took a thumbtak and punched holes in it and held a light up to it. It was so pretty. More people should see little things like diamonds in the grass, and thumbtak attacked stars, and sky so blue you want to cut out a peace to keep. Because I think if people were really to see these they wouldn't be able to doubt that God exists. I mean the changes of all this beauty happening, and happening on the same day. HA!!!
Oh, I should mention that I am going insane, thanks to Bible class. Our teacher has this project were we have to do something 'radical' like giving up something or doing something you normally wouldn't do for one week. This is because we are learning about the Anabaptist's and how they were quite radical for there time. So since last Tuesday (tomorrow is my last day...) I have not written a story or a poem. I know for most people that's no big deal but I love writing! And to make it worse I've had a story idea in my head for the WHOLE TIME!!!!! Insanity is about to kick in, so if I don't write for a long period of time (more the three or four months) that's because I don't think they let you have computers in a mental ward. I should note here that I haven't cheated on this yet and wrote anything, ALTHOUGH if it was to last any longer then a week I'd be 'pigging out' so to speak on writing when I'm supposed to be sleeping.
Anyway since I last posted nothing big has happened. I've gotten what I call puzzle peaces, which I won't explain on here because its complicated and I have to go to bed soon. I've learned I have no choice in anything anymore. I have started to miss my Bible (I left it in my locker just ONCE because my hands were full and I spend the whole weekend missing it, when I wouldn't have read it if I had had it anyway most likely). And other then that my life has been quite boring and there is nothing to report.
OH, and I passed all my classes. I barely passed Bio (but I passed). My new classes are fun and this is defiantly my easy semester.