Friday, May 30, 2008

Unforgetable dreams

Hehe, oops. I haven't updated (almost) at all this month. I keep meaning too, and then I forget. Sorry. :s
Anyway... This month I've done basically nothing. When to school, went to youth, went to church, went to dance. We had our dance recital dress rehearsal a couple days ago. One of my dance teachers/owner of the studio wasn't there because she was having her baby (I don't know what it is though).
Oh I found out teachers somethings really have to watch what they say. Especially at a Christian school. Today during devotions our teacher was asking this question, and it was a good question to think about (why do we and how do we tell non-Christians they need to be Christians). But as she was talking she had mentioned something about how she doesn't know for certain whether or not God is 100% real or not. She says from what she's read in science that it seams that there is an inelegant designer and that we didn't rise up from slime, but she says we have no 100% proof that our God is the true God. And that truly through me off balance, because I rely a lot on what other people believe. (Not that I believe what I believe because other people believe it, but more of who are older then believe in something, and especially if they are good role models I try to follow them in some things). So this is why I think teachers (and people in general) have to be careful what they say around people.
Tonight has been interesting. I spent the evening and until 9:30 with my friends. We ended up playing pool, Wariowar (or something like that. It's a Wii game), Mario Cart (on Wii) and Smash Bros (again on Wii). It was a fun night.
And now onto the topic of which this post is titled after. A dream I had last night. And it wasn't one of those dreams that you sort of forget. It also wasn't a dream that when awake I could have mistaken to be real. (And I mean wide awake, not the half awake state you are when you just wake up). And most of this dream I have forgotten except for one little part of the dream, and it is annoying me. Because I am hugging this guy, who in my dream I am in love with. But he's training for something, or something along those lines, (basically he's under someone else's control. He has to do what they tell him to), but his teacher, master, whatever has given him, allotted him, whatever two minutes. And he is promising he will either find a way out, or find a way for me to get in so that we can be together. And then I woke up (there was a lot more before this part but I can't remember it). And the thing that is driving me over the edge is that whenever I start thinking of this dream (and it pops into my head frequently) my arms feel empty (like I should be hugging something) and my heart feels like its breaking, which is stupid because ITS JUST A DREAM! And heck, I don't even know the dudes name (but more importantly, its just a dream!)
Oh, and the dream took place in a crowded room with grey chairs (sort of like the chairs at my church, office waiting chairs without arm rests). And I was sitting in one isle, and he was sitting in the other, and then we were suddenly behind the sections of seats I was sitting in hugging. But it is a really annoying thing to keep remembering it, and feeling like I still should be hugging him. Grrrrr.
Well anyway it's sorta late, and I'm sorta really really really really really really tired. So ya. Night!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ups downs and hangnails.

Ello wonderful people out there. I haven't updated in a while, so I'm popping in a post. So lets see, since I last posted I've finished the school play (it was a blast, I did nothing, but sit there and watch the play every night!), I've started and finished a gingerbread house for foods class (and hated it and loved it at different times), went swimming, started some new thing in my math class, and did absolutely nothing. Yes I have no life.
On the bright side its my dads 42nd birthday today. I got him a wallet as his old one was falling apart. He got himself Guitar Hero. It's actually quite fun.
And boy do I get side tracked easily. I start out writing this out, and I end up on Facebook sending a message to someone that I haven't talked to in years, and it took ten minutes to write out one sentence. I let my mind wander to much. And I ramble on to much. I guess its just cause I don't want to type out what I actually want to type out. There's just something about putting down what your thinking that makes it real, and then posting it for anyone to see. I know most people probably don't know me, its just those that actually know me that I'm worried about.
(Distracted again)
Maybe I just won't type it out. Thoughts are supposed to be private right? Besides who knows who reads these besides the two wonderful people who post comments. I don't really need to have the whole world inside my upside down and twisted mind.
I wonder how many people are brimming with curiosity of what I'm talking about now? Ohs well *shrugs*.
I'm writing a book series right now. Its a little different then my normal stories. (If you can call them normal). There's no mythical creatures, no demons, no scary bogymen. Just a girl, and a mirror, and the two people she meets on the other side of the mirror. Its different, for me anyway. Its probably a lot like other books out there though.
Alright, enough with the pity party. I'll come back and post later, hopefully with a post that makes more sense then this jumble that I've posted.
Nighty-night wonderful people.