Thursday, October 30, 2008

A little bit of oops :):):):)

So it's basically the end of October, and I haven't updated since the middle of September. Oops. Sorry. I do have a lot to blog about, but probably no more then twenty minutes to type this out until my spare is over and chapel begins. So I'll start with whatever I can get down now, post it, and then continue in a new post tomorrow.
Although I must say by the end of tomorrow I am going to seem drunk even though I won't have had a drink of anything. Mainly because I am already tired now, and then I have to work from four until eleven tonight, which means I won't get home until 11:30 at the earliest, or just after midnight at the latest. And then I have to wake up at six the very next morning to be at school for seven (yuck!) I don't think I have a spare I can sleep in (as all but one spare I spend with the first graders), and when I get home I have to make a cloak to go with my costume, go to my Phineas group (small group), and then take a three year old out trick-or-treating. Lovely. I am going to be soooooo tired. Then I have to work on Saturday and cover someone elses shift on Sunday. Fun.
Alright, so what else has been happening lately? I went on a Missions class retreat. We went up to Oliver BC. That was fun. We spent most of it at the Gleaners, cutting apples, laying out apple slices, laying out ground up frozen broccoli, taking dehydrated apples off of trays, and washing trays. All of this while sleeping in the orchid of the place. On the afternoon that we were there (we were there for an evening, a day, and a morning) we went and did a "Love Oliver" basically the guys in the class went and washed windows for businesses for free, and the girls split up into two different groups to hand out pink carnations. My group went to the nursing home and then walked around the streets. In my group I was the only person who (until the very very end) actually ran out of flowers. And I did that FOUR times. I had to borrow more from the people in my group, and while borrowing them from other people to give to people I was still the only one who ran out. Isn't that lovely. I also learned how really really short I am. Seriously short. Every time we got off the bus I would be stuck between two of four people. The same guy in the front whose shoulder is higher then my head, and then one of three other guys who are only slightly shorter then him. And then there's me at not even five foot. Every single time! Even if I sat no where near them! I also learned a lot about everyone there, and I was actually glade none of my friends were on the trip, because while I would have loved it, I wouldn't have gotten to know anyone else in my grade.
I've written a new poem, but it's in my locker and I don't really want to leave the computer to go get it so I will post it up tomorrow, or some day soon (I hope). I wrote it after my youth group a couple weeks ago, but it wasn't to do with just the group. It was a build up of a lot of things, and the youth group just sort of was the tip of the ice burg I guess that caused me to write it. Which at the same time stunk because I had wanted to just go home and go to bed, but instead I had a stupid poem stuck in my head that wouldn't let me sleep until I wrote it down. But now I like it. I think. I'm not sure yet.
So I took the three year old out costume shopping yesterday. Now here I was led to believe that she already had a costume. One would think that her mother would have taken her out to get one (and the fact that the three year old could talk of nothing more then her 'Boots' costume -a Dora character-). But no. Heavens forbid her mother buys her a Halloween costume. So we went looking in Value Village, and of course there is nothing really. And no Dora costumes (which she was a little upset about at first) but we finally settled on a Barbie Fairy costume, however, since my dad is going to pick her up and then come get me, I'm going to have to get him to make sure she is wearing warm clothes underneath it (as I am sure her mother won't). Me, I'm wearing a white sweater under my costume. I'm going as a blue ballerina (very original for a dancer I know). I have striped tights that I THOUGHT were blue, but in fact are purple and black. A blue tu-tu dress with gold trim, glow in the dark nail polish (not blue but whatever), fake eyelashes that are tinted purple (the blue ones were gone when I went to go get them). And hopefully a blue sequin cloak that I am going to make tomorrow. I of course am not going out for the candy (looks around innocently). I doubt I would get any anyway.
Well the bell is going to ring soon, so I'm getting off. Type to you all later.