Tuesday, March 4, 2008

And so the insanity continues

Well this has been an interesting couple of weeks. Full of ups downs and round a whatever-there-called. One long endless roller coaster. Sometimes one long endless boring roller coaster. I don't like roller coasters. To darn scary. But that's besides the point.
I had gotten this idea for a group in my youth. For the pre-teen and younger teen girls, on dressing modestly and getting away from obsessing about about brand name clothes and make-up and 'looking' good. I told my Phineas (small group/cell group) leader about this and she actually told the youth paster about it. Now I do not know as of yet what he said about it, but I know that I really don't like the idea any more. As I think as it was my idea i would be asked to lead it, and I'm not good with people as I've said before. I DO NOT LIKE PEOPLE! I'm not a people person. I would die of humiliation before I even started talking. And if I didn't die of humiliation then I wouldn't make it past actually talking to them. And if I somehow did I would sound hypocritical with what I was talking about. On the whole it was a very bad idea. Or a very good idea if someone else will lead it.
And then after I've decided that this was a terrible idea never to be thought of again (not that it doesn't constantly pop up into my mind wanting me to think about it) I started to retreated as I every so often do into a black cocoon. No I do NOT spin a cocoon around myself I am not a Caterpillar. This is just what I call it when I decided that the world is quite pointless, I don't really fit into it, and people stink. I do this about once twice three, six times a year (OK maybe not six, but I do it at least twice). I sort of feal like I could go into this cocoon for real and I wouldn't notice how black it was because everything is so dark. Granted part of why I felt this way was because I had just watched this movie called Danika. It was supposed to be suspense thriller whatever you want to call it type of movie. The back sounded promising, but the movie stunk. After watching this movie I was thinking 'Well that was a waist of my time.' But then that night, I was thinking about it, and I really started thinking about retreating into the cocoon. But fear not, I didn't. The next day at Church I was fine, and now, Tuesday, I'm back to normal. Whatever normal is for me.
I'll probably post again soon to say what the youth paster said about the idea. How this week went, and all that fun wonderful stuff.
Stay happy.

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