Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ups downs and hangnails.

Ello wonderful people out there. I haven't updated in a while, so I'm popping in a post. So lets see, since I last posted I've finished the school play (it was a blast, I did nothing, but sit there and watch the play every night!), I've started and finished a gingerbread house for foods class (and hated it and loved it at different times), went swimming, started some new thing in my math class, and did absolutely nothing. Yes I have no life.
On the bright side its my dads 42nd birthday today. I got him a wallet as his old one was falling apart. He got himself Guitar Hero. It's actually quite fun.
And boy do I get side tracked easily. I start out writing this out, and I end up on Facebook sending a message to someone that I haven't talked to in years, and it took ten minutes to write out one sentence. I let my mind wander to much. And I ramble on to much. I guess its just cause I don't want to type out what I actually want to type out. There's just something about putting down what your thinking that makes it real, and then posting it for anyone to see. I know most people probably don't know me, its just those that actually know me that I'm worried about.
(Distracted again)
Maybe I just won't type it out. Thoughts are supposed to be private right? Besides who knows who reads these besides the two wonderful people who post comments. I don't really need to have the whole world inside my upside down and twisted mind.
I wonder how many people are brimming with curiosity of what I'm talking about now? Ohs well *shrugs*.
I'm writing a book series right now. Its a little different then my normal stories. (If you can call them normal). There's no mythical creatures, no demons, no scary bogymen. Just a girl, and a mirror, and the two people she meets on the other side of the mirror. Its different, for me anyway. Its probably a lot like other books out there though.
Alright, enough with the pity party. I'll come back and post later, hopefully with a post that makes more sense then this jumble that I've posted.
Nighty-night wonderful people.


Unknown said...

ooh, us who post comments are wonderful people? :) you're writing, eh? sounds pretty cool. i've tried writing before and i never finish anything. i get the whole getting-distracted thing. happens to me all the time.

Unknown said...

i know i've already commented on this. i just reread it though, and i agree with putting stuff down where people you know can read it. it's fine if they're not, like, close friends or something - in fact, i like it when people comment, just not friends.