Friday, January 4, 2008


OK, so I haven't updated since the beginning of LAST month (which, by default, means I haven't updated ALL YEAR!!!!!! *gasp*) But that's just because I have found nothing of interest to write about. Lets face it, I live a very boring life. The most interesting thing that has happened is that I think I pulled a muscle in my neck reaching for the dust cover of a book that was over the side of my bed. (How I did that was beyond me. Now it feels like I have a really bad kink in my neck).
Well I did finish the ending of my story (I only started the beginning today, but I finished the ending a couple days ago), and have decided that except for the last line I have to re-write parts of it. I'm going to have to put in more dialog (this will be the part were Cryptee finds out that Moren has always been the better deceiver, and proof is that despite what she has been led to believe the whole book *and her whole life* Moren is stronger then her). But I am keeping the last line:
"And so evil destroys evil. For that is the nature of evil, to implode on itself while exploding on everything else." ~ Cryptee
Oh, last night I was reading 'Little Pilgrims Progress.' Its a child version of the actual book (in other words its been adapted so that children can read it, understand it, and enjoy it. I would like to read it with big people words). And I can't help but think that Christiana is quite lucky. I mean her brothers and sister (basically her whole family) become Pilgrims of the King with her, I only really have my dad as a 'pilgrim' and even then I really have to wonder about it. She doesn't run into much trouble on the road to Celestial City. And most of all she has Braveheart, a guide and friend to help her on the way to Celestial City, and to answer and explain every question she might have about the King.
And while sure, I have people who I can talk to (Dawn, Melissa, Stephanie, ext.) I don't really know them that well. Sure, I knew Dawn really great, but I haven't seen her in three years, and haven't really talked to her that long. I haven't really talked to Melissa since I switched Churches (and didn't know her well enough to share deep dark secrets when I did talk to her), and I really just met Stephanie.
As well I'm not the type of person people really want to be around long. I'm lazy, selfish, and a loudmouth. I talk way more then I listen, I sometimes could really care less how others feel. I act first, think later (even when I try not to), and end up hurting people. Its kinda funny, I go to a school that is about community, a church that's two main focus's (besides God) are people and food and I couldn't feel more cut of from people if I tried. Most of it is probably my fault, I tend to push people away, just so they won't eventually get hurt by my self-centered thoughtless behaviour.
Well, that's life for ya.
By the way MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year. Maybe 2008 will be better then 2007.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so. i'm not the only person who does that, either. push everyone away and want to be antisocial just cuz i'm really basically a b---- and my friends don't seem to realize that. they should see me at home.