Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hot Apple Cider

Today was quite weird. Extremely odd I guess you could say. It started out I was just taking a little girl that I babysit out for a walk to Value Village to do some random window/looking around the store pointlessly shopping. They finally had the Nativity Scene up in this fountain (like they do every year) so I stopped to look at it, and there was this group of people from some church (I'm not actually sure which one) who were singing Christmas Carols (the good ones, not the 'have-a-happy-holiday-but-be-careful-over-which-holiday-and-be-politically-correct junkie ones that they have), as well they were giving out cookies, candy canes, and hot apple cider. The little girl I babysit got two candy canes and I got hot apple cider (which I spilt on my hands three times while trying to push her stroller, but thankfully it wasn't blistering hot).
On the way back from Value Village I stopped there again and tried to explain to the little girl about the manager scene. I ended up explaining it five times (she's only two) naming each of the figures in there. The cutest thing was when we were leaving she said "Box! 'Esus!" As we continued walking she started pointing at random stuff going "Whatdi?" (what's this) so I was naming the stuff off, as well as what it did. The first thing was one of those little glass shelters that they have at some bus stops. So I go: "It's a shelter," and I pushing the buggy under it and stopped, "it keeps you dry when its raining," and then because we weren't that far from the manger scene I tacked on, "just like Jesus does." The next was a light posts, its description being: "It goes high into the sky and shines light on the street so people know were to go, just like Jesus does." (Do remember that this was for 'her' benefit.) And then it kinda hit me, it was just like Jesus does. Jesus is high up in the sky shining light on the world so people know were to go. And then it started to get really weird, everything I tried to explain I could truthfully tack on 'just like Jesus does.' The fire hydrant holds the water that puts out fires, Jesus can put out spiritual fires. Crossing lights tell you when to walk and when to be still, and Jesus can do that too. Cross walk lines are boundaries that you have to follow to stay safe, and Jesus sets boundaries. It was almost a little freaky where you can find something here that mimics Jesus.
And then my second revolution of the day was; still on the walk; bus stop benches. Just so the little girl that I babysat knew what I was talking about when I tried to explain about the benches, I jumped up onto one of the benches and did a little disco dance; on two different benches. Which then got me to thinking; someone could have seen me make a total fool of my self for a little girl, how embarrassing. But it wasn't really embarrassing. Which got me thinking even more. People now a day's won't do something God asks us to do because it might embarrass us in front of other people, and we don't think of the fact that the only person who really knows what were doing is God. YET we will jump up onto benches and do a little disco dance for a little kid so that the kid knows what a bench is, while there is a bunch of cars going by with people in them; and who knows you might know one of them; watching.
Kinda funny really.

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