Friday, April 4, 2008

It's been a while

It has been a while hasn't it? Spring break has come and gone. The Eternity play at church has come and gone. And the school play is coming. Spring break was alright. The first week was BORING! Nothing interessting happened. The next week though, was a lot better. On Tuesday I went to Seattle with my youth for a Youth Confrence, on Wednesday we were still at the conference, and Thursday we finished the confernce and came home. I was going to to post all the notes that I took on here, but then I never got around to it, and there was a ton of them. And I can't now because I'm at school (I don't have the notebook AND the keyboard of the computer I'm on is terrible).
And the school play is back. We're doing the Curious Savage. NO I'm not in the play, I'm in the backstage crew again. I love working in the backstage crew. I think its probably a lot more fun then being in the cast.
Well the bell is going to go in four minutes so I should get off. I have a Bible class to get to, followed by play rehursals, and then I have to buy a friend a birthday gift and go to her party!!!!
Type to ya'll later.

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