Saturday, June 28, 2008

Anything new?

Hey people. Apparently I haven't updated in a while, and I should. Problem being nothing fascinating or interesting has happened. My cousin is about to pop, I've been out of school for two weeks now, and took my one and only exam (German. The only two things I remembered without a doubt were dative preps because of a song, and reflexive pronouns. But I think I did good on it).
The job hunting isn't going so hot. Of the five places I applied for (Blockbuster, Value Village, Garden Fresh, House of James, and Starbucks) I got no calls back. Although I dropped off an application and resume at McDonald's today (my aunt's idea) and I have my first interview tomorrow morning at 9:45, which means I'm going to be late for church. Blame this on being out of school. I totally forgot today was Saturday, so I agreed to the time and didn't realize until after I left that there was church the next day. So I'm going to be late, but I'll still go.
Other then that, there is nothing really to tell. I got a new bathing suit. My old one had this ugly 'v' neck that dipped down WAY to low. I didn't like it, but I lost my one piece a couple years ago and every time I thought that I needed a new one no one had the money for it. Finally I got a new one. There is still a 'v' neck because at Wal-Mart there is no such thing as modest AND pretty. There's modest and frumpy, or pretty and not as modest. I think the one I got is good though. It's a two piece, the bottom is attached to a skirt (and it's length would allow me to wear it to school, but I won't too short for school for me). The 'v' neck doesn't go too deep, but it's also a halter top. It even has fabric under it for around the stomach, which I like because then it doesn't look like I'm swimming in a bra (a problem I have with bathing suits). When I tried it on at home I looked at it in the mirror I realized that it looked like something some women would wear for a night out on the town. I'll stick to it being a bathing suit. Oh, and it's black and red. Black background with a pretty red design.
Other then that there really is nothing. I started a story called Assassin's Daughter, but I haven't quite figured out how to get my main character right. So then I started a story on the side called Dreamwatcher. The first scene won't get on paper the way I saw wrote it in my head. It's not going so hot either. Sometimes I think writing is the hardest and most pointless thing ever, and yet I keep writing, it keeps me sane and I'm told I'm actually good at it (I have yet to agree. My writing isn't that great).
Well I guess I really still have nothing to talk about. I'm listening to Extreme Praise, and typing this. I'll probably get off and read while listening to the radio (same station just on my alarm clock instead of the computer).
Well night people. Talk to ya later.

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