Friday, July 25, 2008

Toonies and Toy makers.

Hey people. Wow... I lost the great intro to this post I had planned. (Alright I didn't have a great intro, but it would have been nice). So without further rambling...... THIS POST!
Lets see, at work I've started working in booth (the window you pull up to to order and pay for you meal before going on to pick up the food, in drive thru), done that for the last three shifts. Two of them I was covering for someone else, and she was supposed to be in booth so I was put in there, and the other one I was just placed in there. It's fun, a little boring at times, a little rushed at others. It's boring when you have no cars, you've washed all the tables (twice) all the tray's are clean, and the floor has been swept countless amounts of times, it's really boring cause then you have NOTHING to do. You can't even go stalk up on things your missing in case a car does come. On the flip side of that, it can be hectic when the tables need to be cleaned, or window (in the store where you order food) has no tray's and you want to clean them but cars keep coming so you can't. But it's fun. Also you don't have to worry about giving them the right food, just punching it in.
Yesterday was my best day at it so far, I only screwed up three times (I forgot to give someone *my cousin* fries, I closed the till before giving some guy his change *in all honesty it was because the last six or so people before him kept giving me exact change* and I had a coupon that I had no clue on how to use, and the guy couldn't speak English properly so I couldn't understand him).
Oh and I was working until 10pm yesterday and around 8pm I ran completely out of ketchup, and that was when all the cars just started coming and coming and coming and coming and coming, and I was low on sweet and sour sauce, had no salsa for feta's (sp?) (but in all honesty I had none to begin with), low on girl toys, I was alright with the BBQ sauce, but the only thing I had an abundance of was Mac sauce (mayo). In the till I had an abundance of twenties (seriously), fives, debt recets, and most change.
I did run out of toonie's at one point. And nickles. And pennies. But with the nickles I found a roll of what I thought was toonie's (which turned out to be two dollars in nickles). The toonie's I was tempted to buzz the front to ask for a roll of them, but I had enough loonie's, and then the toonie's just kept coming in until I had no toonie crises anymore. I decided God did that. You know it's little things like that that make one remember God is thinking of them.
And then I ran out of pennies. I was down to one penny. I buzzed the front and asked for a roll of pennies. I was told sure, but I never got them. Eventually I had no pennies, so I ended up doing one of two things. I would either tell the customer "I'm supposed to give you bla-da-bla 2 cents, but I don't have 2 cents" and they were fine with it, or i would just round it up to the nearest five. I survived.
Wow, five paragraphs on work. I have no life.
Alright, away from work stuff, since it is probably boring most of you to death (I find it all fascinating and such, but that's just me). When I got home that night, had my dinner (a nice plate of mac and cheese *not the KD junk, real mac with cheese whiz -although grated cheese is the best-*) and was settling in to watch NCIS, House, and Numb3rs (I missed NCIS though) I had quickly gone to the washroom, and in the mirror I noticed my hair looked weird (product of a ton of hairspray) which got me to thinking of how somewheres in the Bible it says something about the hairs on your head is counted (very random jump I know) and then I could almost picture God as this old toymaker, you know, long gray beard with long white hair, in a leather apron, working by on oil lamp with a wax doll sitting in front of Him, and taking one hair at a time, heating it up, applying it to the doll's head and going "one, two..... three thousand forty-two... eight thousand..." and so on, and then going 'EUREKA! A masterpiece' when He finished.
Random I know.
Anyway... this was an odd post, most of it was about work. But I should go for now.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Hey people, how's it going? I'm going great. Life's great, works great (a little painful on the feet, and mind trying to find the correct food hidden in the pop-ups), everything's great-great. My lungs have decided to rebel against me, but that's a little unavoidable and probably to be expected. (I'll get back to that later).
So lets see, what's been going on since I updated. I had my first two shifts at McD's. Those were fun. On the first one I learned how to make McFlurries (I hate making them, the machine doesn't like me), ice cream, iced coffee, coffee, pop, and fries, as well as how to work the till. The till is so darn confusing. Most of it is straight forward, but then there is just a few things that are well hidden, like the fact that an ice cream cone is with the value meals not desserts, and such. The next shift I was just on till, and boy what a fun day that was. I had two guys that spoke only Spanish, a couple people (in groups) that would interrupt me in the middle of taking their order so I could let them into the bathroom, and a guy who I don't think was all there upstairs. But the rest of the people were nice. But they NEVER STOPPED COMING! That's a good thing, no customers, no work, but we were low on cups, and fries (they would be made, and gone in seconds) and every time I went to stock up cups more people would show up. But I'm not complaining, it was quite fun.
Yesterday was the lady I babysit for's birthday. Well it's more of my dad babysits the kid. And they are more of family friends (the kid is like a little whinny bratty sister). We got here a little chest type box, with three necklaces and matching earrings to put in it.
I finished reading a book called 'Comes a Horseman' yesterday (took me three days to read it because the chapters were odd, and I had a friend over). It was one of those end of the world books, only slightly different. Instead of actually having the antichrist there taking over the world, and a couple people actually over-throwing him and the world going back to normal (which would never happen, even in fiction), it had a guy originally trying to scam people into thinking he was the antichrist to actually believing he was, but he never wasn't. And the people who 'overthrow' him (killed him really) were only doing it to save their lives (he wanted them, and one of the characters kid dead). It's a good book. Not the best thing I've ever read (if you read it out loud it's choppy and awkward, but it's already for a silent read) but it definitely is worth being read.
I've come up with a new story idea. In this time the government are closing down normal high schools and sending teens to boarding schools based on a series of test that they have done on the teens to see what would be the best carrier choice for them, and then place them in the correct school that will push them into that carrier choice. My MC is in one of the last open high schools and it was just shut down. She is sent to a school away from her friends, to one of the smallest of boarding schools. Their she is put threw different things like fencing, self defense, marksmanship and such. At first she (and everyone else) doesn't even know what their carrier path is, but it turns out they are being trained to be assassins (I have a fascination with assassin characters) and my character refuses to be that. Whole plot develops around that.
And this point my two youth leaders (if they are reading, but no longer commenting....*hint*) are shaking their heads going "What is wrong with this girl?"
Today I have very little plans. Probably watch some episodes of House (it's an interesting show, that I think has some religious of some sort person on the writing team as they are always wrestling over the concept of God *on a doctor show* but never reach a conclusion), I plan to go to Value Village because they have Cabbage Patch dolls for 29 cents. (well its the kind you assemble yourself). I'll probably make it today or tomorrow.
I have come to realize something, this blog start out so I could really map out where I've been as a Christian, and it just sort of turn out into a blog for me to just post just about anything on. But I guess that's just a little unavoidable, I tend to blabber on about the unimportant and completely forget about the important so...
So anyway before I post this up and then leave to get my Cabbage Patch Doll I should expand on what I was talking about earlier (if you have forgotten, the first paragraph about the rebelling lungs).
So lets see about them, it's nothing big. They're a little tight (sort of like something is sitting on them), well not now. They are fine at the moment, but it fluctuates. I have no clue why I am posting about breathing problems but... oh well. It's like I said earlier, to be expected and some what unavoidable. Wonders of being me. Out grow asthma, it returns (it's not fun. But to be honest I don't think its actually back seeing as I can still breathe for the most part, not wheezing, no coughing, only a small amount of shortness of breath with tightness, I's fine).
Anyway, I don't plan on ending this on a downward somewhat depressing note so... ... ... ... ...
It's a nice sunny blue sky day outside today, Pepper (my sausage of a cat) is alive and well (and suffering from feline obesity), I'm alive, you're alive, I'm not suffering from writers block, and my birthday is in just over a month (YIPPEE!)
Have a great day people!
Until next time

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

House of James - the ultimate book destination?

I have come to the conclusion that I don't want to primarily be a Christian author. For a few reasons. One there is a certain stigma that comes with being a Christian author, that your book is going to be crammed full of Bible verses and the character always being a 'perfect little Christian'. I don't want my books to be about that. Then I find a large portion of Christian authors don't write as well as they could (amazing Christian authors like Ted Dekker, and Frank Perretti excluded). A friend of mine blows it off by saying 'well who is it for the glory of?' For God I know. But sometimes I think God is sitting up in heaven hitting the heal of His hand to His forehead going 'Children I have given you this special talent. Use it well. To the best of your ability. Don't write half heartedly.' For me I'd rather read a well written story that isn't by a Christian author, then a not so well written predictable Bible-verse crammed, easy allusions to Bible story packed books that are written by Christians 'for the glory of God'. I don't see why a book is so much better because it is in the House of James (or any other Christian book store) then it is at Coles, or Chapters, or Borders, or any other secular book store. I want to write books that Christians AND non-Christians will love. That can be sold in Christian books stores, AND Coles. I don't always want to have a Christian MC (main character) who goes to church and reads her Bible and prays when she wakes up before each meal and before bed. I'm not saying I'm never going to have Christian MC's, but I don't want all of them to be. I want real characters and not all real people are Christians.
See I want to write books that do glorify God, but not by being a half hearted attempt to copy the Bible (although I do have a story idea from one of the parables that Jesus told). I don't want to just write books for the Christians who already know God. I want to write books for the non-Christians who I can subtly point the direction to the path that will lead them to God. I want to write books that celebrate how different people are (although I don't think I'll have a Muslim or Sikh MC. Only Christian, Atheist, and Agnostic MC's). I want to write books that don't always make Christians look like the good guys (because we aren't always good people) but at the same time I don't want to slander them. I want to write books that reach out to people of all kinds, that they can get anywhere, not having to go to a Christian book store to do so.
I want to be an author who is a Christian, not a Christian author.
That being said I will have stories of girls (as I know nothing of how guys think I don't think I ever could have a male MC) who are Christians, and rely on God for everything. But the things that happen to them won't happen because they are Christians, they happen because they are human. But they get through it by being Christians, and relying on God.
I want to write clean books that don't have sex scenes, and swearing (although some non-christian character might get the 'a string of profanities left their mouth' line that so subtly hints at swearing), but at the same time I want to characters and situations to seam real.
I've caught meself in a delima me thinks.