Friday, July 25, 2008

Toonies and Toy makers.

Hey people. Wow... I lost the great intro to this post I had planned. (Alright I didn't have a great intro, but it would have been nice). So without further rambling...... THIS POST!
Lets see, at work I've started working in booth (the window you pull up to to order and pay for you meal before going on to pick up the food, in drive thru), done that for the last three shifts. Two of them I was covering for someone else, and she was supposed to be in booth so I was put in there, and the other one I was just placed in there. It's fun, a little boring at times, a little rushed at others. It's boring when you have no cars, you've washed all the tables (twice) all the tray's are clean, and the floor has been swept countless amounts of times, it's really boring cause then you have NOTHING to do. You can't even go stalk up on things your missing in case a car does come. On the flip side of that, it can be hectic when the tables need to be cleaned, or window (in the store where you order food) has no tray's and you want to clean them but cars keep coming so you can't. But it's fun. Also you don't have to worry about giving them the right food, just punching it in.
Yesterday was my best day at it so far, I only screwed up three times (I forgot to give someone *my cousin* fries, I closed the till before giving some guy his change *in all honesty it was because the last six or so people before him kept giving me exact change* and I had a coupon that I had no clue on how to use, and the guy couldn't speak English properly so I couldn't understand him).
Oh and I was working until 10pm yesterday and around 8pm I ran completely out of ketchup, and that was when all the cars just started coming and coming and coming and coming and coming, and I was low on sweet and sour sauce, had no salsa for feta's (sp?) (but in all honesty I had none to begin with), low on girl toys, I was alright with the BBQ sauce, but the only thing I had an abundance of was Mac sauce (mayo). In the till I had an abundance of twenties (seriously), fives, debt recets, and most change.
I did run out of toonie's at one point. And nickles. And pennies. But with the nickles I found a roll of what I thought was toonie's (which turned out to be two dollars in nickles). The toonie's I was tempted to buzz the front to ask for a roll of them, but I had enough loonie's, and then the toonie's just kept coming in until I had no toonie crises anymore. I decided God did that. You know it's little things like that that make one remember God is thinking of them.
And then I ran out of pennies. I was down to one penny. I buzzed the front and asked for a roll of pennies. I was told sure, but I never got them. Eventually I had no pennies, so I ended up doing one of two things. I would either tell the customer "I'm supposed to give you bla-da-bla 2 cents, but I don't have 2 cents" and they were fine with it, or i would just round it up to the nearest five. I survived.
Wow, five paragraphs on work. I have no life.
Alright, away from work stuff, since it is probably boring most of you to death (I find it all fascinating and such, but that's just me). When I got home that night, had my dinner (a nice plate of mac and cheese *not the KD junk, real mac with cheese whiz -although grated cheese is the best-*) and was settling in to watch NCIS, House, and Numb3rs (I missed NCIS though) I had quickly gone to the washroom, and in the mirror I noticed my hair looked weird (product of a ton of hairspray) which got me to thinking of how somewheres in the Bible it says something about the hairs on your head is counted (very random jump I know) and then I could almost picture God as this old toymaker, you know, long gray beard with long white hair, in a leather apron, working by on oil lamp with a wax doll sitting in front of Him, and taking one hair at a time, heating it up, applying it to the doll's head and going "one, two..... three thousand forty-two... eight thousand..." and so on, and then going 'EUREKA! A masterpiece' when He finished.
Random I know.
Anyway... this was an odd post, most of it was about work. But I should go for now.

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