Thursday, November 13, 2008


Alrighty, so it looks like I've lost me readers *sniff sniff.* Ohs well, it's probably because I don't update enough that no one realized that i have updated (and so having not actually lost a reader, but in fact just post-poned how long it takes people to review, because I like reviews/replies).
So it turns out I am actually very clumsy. I should have realized this due to the fact that I walk into anything, lockers, doors, people, garbage cans. You name it I've walked into it. Take at work for example, I was in drive thru (as per norm) and was cleaning. I was mopping so I had my broom and dustpan by the entrance to the booth. Well a car came, and I rushed to get it, stepping too far over the broom and dustpan to ram my knee into the door, and now I have a lovely bruise on my knee for that. About an hour later, I had finished the main cleaning and was bringing some clean tray's up to the counter, and I thought (for some unknown reason why) that the counter was farther over then it was, and I walked into the wall. Of course to rebound from it, I took a step back and then went to step forward to put the tray's down, took too big of a step and walked into the counter.
OH, and before I totally absolutely completely forget (although I don't think I would since it is just that exciting) but I finally found out where I am going for my missions trip. I am going to CAMBODIA!!!!!!! I am soooo excited for it. I found out last Thursday, and I spent the morning thinking only of it (not of the class and chapel I was in), right before lunch literally jumping, and then bouncing in my seat, after lunch jumping because I was so excited that I was going to Cambodia. I had originally wanted to go to Thailand, however I was open for anywhere, and as soon as I found out I was going to Cambodia, I completely forgot about Thailand and was just excited about Cambodia!!!!!!!!
Oh, my uncle got married on Saturday. I called him on Friday to tell him about Cambodia, and then he told me he was getting married the next day. Very short notice, didn't make it to the wedding but cool non-the-less.
Also, once again it really really really really STINKS being a teenager sometimes. For example this promising not to date thing, really gets annoying. I sort of like two guys. One at school, and one at youth. However seeing as I actually know the one at school a lot better then the guy at youth I think I like him a lot more, and the guy at youth I think I would like as more of a friend. But still. The fact is I like this guy at my school, and unlike most teenage girl predicaments its no the "Oh I like him but he has no idea that I even exist" I've talked with him, have two classes with him, and have talked to him out of class, so we both know that each other exists (and he has a really cute smile) but.... ahhhhh!

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