Sunday, December 14, 2008

So it snowed.... thankfully it didn't stick

So it finally and unfortunately snowed yesterday. At some time. I don't think I was outside when it did so. However we now have winteresc weather. Minus sixteen windchill (it's nothing honest), big wind, if it had 'rained' again today it would have been snow. To snow I say "Bah Humbug!" Unless it is Christmas Eve. Then it can snow. It can snow a lot on Christmas Eve, and say on Christmas Day, and then melt on Boxing Day and stay away until next Christmas Eve. Never gonna happen, I know.
Friday was the school Christmas Banquet. Theme: Fairy Tails. Entertainment: range from boring to absolutely pure brilliance. Sad part: The last school Christmas Banquet I will be attending. However the MC's were brilliant, the jazz band that played while we ate was a little slow and their songs all sounded the same, but whatever, and the last act was the best. Four guys, two in grade twelve two in grade eleven lip singing and dancing to Backstreet Boys 'I Want It That Way.' I nearly died of laughter. The decorations were brilliant too, with a fake castle front, thrones, love potions, 'poison,' my favorite the Prince Charming Potion, and so much more. After words we (the girls I hang out with) all went to one of our friends house and watched Thumbelina (which I fell asleep in...) and the Princess Swan (which I had been woken up for because another friend had come over so I had to move) and I stayed awake for it.
I finally got shoes for my Jazz class too, so I no longer have to wear my ballet slippers for it. However, they were sixty-three bucks (after tax) and that was at ten percent off. They is going to last me a while.
We also had our youth Christmas party, in which we had a gift exchange. The gift I brought was a large candy cane and a singing reindeer. The gift I got was the 'Are You Smarter then a Fifth Grader' board game. However at our youth we have a strange (and silly) tradition of rolling the dice. And depending on what you rolled you could do something. This year it was three, fives, nines and doubles. If you rolled one of those you had the option of trading your gift with anyone else's. I never rolled one of them, except when I still had my board game and I didn't want to trade it. But someone else did, and took the board game from me. However I got new headphones and hot chocolate. I was happy with that. But no. Someone had to take that and give me a mug. Fine. It would be nice to have a new mug that was just mine, and not my dad's too. But goodness no. Someone took that and gave me a can of root beer and a Timmies card (for those Americans and other countries and that don't know what Timmies is, Timmies is Tim Hortons, which is better then Starbucks). No one traded my for that. So I got root beer and a Timmies card. I drank the root beer, and bought me and my dad a medium candy cane hot chocolate with the card.
Anyway I am thinking of going to bed early, so night.

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