Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In the Beginning

Interns starts tomorrow. For anyone morbidly curious enough to wonder what Interns is, it's a nine month long discipleship program for eighteen to thirty year olds. There's classes three days a week, conferences and the works. I don't know much about it seeing as I've never done it. However tomorrow we are going to a cabin until Friday to get to know each other. To be honest I'm not as excited as I keep telling people I am. While yes it is something new, it's not new to be doing something new so it's not exciting. It's just like starting another year of school and a new school. I've been to eleven schools, so this is nothing new. However I'm sure most of the people in Interns have been to three or four schools, five if they really have moved around, and one hasn't been in school since first grade, so this is a 'new and exciting' thing. For me it's just 'meh, it's new. Big deal.' And also as shallow as this sounds, I'm scared I'm not going to fit in. That the other girls are going to instantly mesh, and I'm going to be on the outside looking in, and that if they do try to include me, that it'll be out of pity for the 'washed out little kid' then them actually wanting to get to know me.
Anyway, I'll try and let you's know how it goes as the year progresses. And on Saturday after I get back. I'll try, no absolute promises though.
Sorry about the dely'd update.

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