Friday, April 3, 2009

10 minute post

Alright I only have ten minutes to type. Less than that really since I have to be somewhere at 2:30 and it's now 2:19. Granted, it only takes two minutes to get there, but that's besides the point. Anyway, I am really sorry about not posting in, well, forever but every time I went to blog I realized I had nothing to blog about, or I hadn't finished processing it yet myself so I couldn't post it, and than just forgot about it. But now, now I have stuff to post about. I just may not get through it all right now.
First it's April, which means this month and next month are our last two full months of school, and then only a half a month. Because exams take two weeks, although I only have an English exam to take. In some ways that is really exciting. I always love the end of school when it warms up (this year has missed that memo though) and you can wear shorts and tank tops again, it just feels like summer. I love that feeling. However on the other hand its really scary because it is our last time of reaching the end of a school year, and this time there is a Grad ceremony to add to it, something that hasn't been in our other years of schooling. And next year we aren't coming back. It's really really scary when you think about it.
I'm hoping to be accepted into the InterMenno program next year. It's an exchange program where you go live in Germany, Switzerland, or the Netherlands for a year and work there, learning their language and culter and such. However they have sent out the letters/e-mails to everyone else, and I seem to be the only one who hasn't gotten any. If I don't get accepted I'm planning on going to UFV (University of the Fraiser Valley) next year and get my BA in English, as well as work full time and take dance class. Ballet and Jazz once again.
Alright I decided I might make this a longer than ten minute post, mainly because I want to proof read it (my friends would be proud) and I have so much more to post that I don't want to just end it, so I will just cut it off when I have to go, save it, and then come back to it after play rehearsals (backstage crew). Or if I don't have enough time, after my small group. Which reminds me I have print off/re-type some of my poems to bring there, expessually one I wrote last week on my missions trip, which I will type about when I get back from rehearsals cause I gotta go. Be back before you finish reading this. Haha.
So, it's been about two weeks since I started this post... I was going to talk about my missions trip though, which will have to be in another post. I'm just drooping this off so that I don't forget about it, and hopefully on Sunday (it's Friday night now) I can write about my missions trip. Someone bug me about it until I post please.

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