Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Finally Standing

OK, its been about a week since I've updated, but I have been busy. OK that's not totally true, since the last post, I haven't been doing that much. OK, I have been almost totally nothing, that's why I didn't post anything. But then Thursday evening, all of Friday, and some of Saturday (the morning and the first bit of the afternoon) I was at a Youth Conference called Re:Generation, Re:Gen for short. It was amazing, I could try to tell you all that happened, but it just wouldn't have been the same as being there. At the beginning of each of the four main sessions their was a worship time which was amazing, the main sessions were amazing, as were the workshops. I went to four. Three on Friday, and one Saturday. On Friday I went to one called "In Your Faith" one called "What Do You Have In Your Hands?" and one called "Whatcha' Doing After High School?" The last one was to do with a program that the church that hosted Re:Gen had, but its the same as the interns that my church has; which I plan to save up for and attend.
Now, why I am I writing about this conference you ask? Simple. It is there that I finally managed to; as a Christian; by pass the stage of learning to crawl and learned how to stand. Not that its all easy running now, I still have to learn to walk, but I can stand! STAND!
Also at Re:Gen I got two items (bought). A t-shirt which cost me $20 (compared to the hoodie I wanted which was $40), and a set of dog tags from last years conference. I was thinking about the tags today in social studies class where were learning about WW2 and I got to thinking, I really really really despise war, so why on earth am I wearing dog tags? Its simple; after a lot of thinking I think I have it figured out; any soldier needs dog tags to at least show who's army they belong too, so why doesn't the army of God? That is why I've decided to wear it.
Now, away from the conference; which I'm still catching up on sleep from. Tonight at Youth, was Faith Night. On Faith Nights we go around from school to school (we usually cover only two or three schools). Tonight we split up into three groups. One staid at the school that the church is part off, one went to two other schools; but only got to one, which is okay; and the group I was in went to two schools. My school, and the school just down the road from my school. But the one that really impacted me was the one at the other school. While we were praying I had this thing (the people in my youth called it a vision, so I guess that works, but I think it was more of a thought) were I saw this girl walking around a post near the school, no one was around her, she was just walking around the post staring at the ground thinking. And then after when we were in our larger group (our group had split up to pray) on of the boys (an intern) had said he had the vision of a girl having to make a major choice soon, and I (and some of the people at youth as well) think it could be the same person. It's cool really.
Well anyway, I thought I'd just share my happiness now. Goodnight and God bless.

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