Wednesday, March 12, 2008

And... We're Awake!!!

Alright I'm not totally recovered from Daylight savings yet, but I'm not grumpy anymore. Which is good. I'm still tired, but spring break is coming up (now that is springy) so I'll be able to catch up on all the sleep I've losted since we came back from Christmas Break.
Today was interessting. The last two classes were shortened so that we could have a commisioning assembly. A bunch of missions teams are going out over spring break. One of my bestest friends is on one of the trips. She's going to Costa Rica. She leaves tomorrow.
My youth is down in LA on a missions trip as well (the one I wanted to go on. Did I mention this earlier?) So yesterday the youth was cut down in half and then some. There was more girls then guys, and there was four maybe five people who were actually in highschool. The rest were middle schoolers. We were watching a Youth Bites on Raves and escapism. And after we were in small groups talking about it, and my youth leader had asked what escapism was like, and I blurted out "spiritual cavities." This idea came about because he said constintly trying to escape reality through raves, or music, or book, or TV was like candy. Alright once in a while, but not in excess. And then we were coming up with a whole line of spiritual dentistry. The list being:
Escapism and sin: Cavities
Prayer: Emanil
Bible: Toothbrush
Worship: Toothpaste
Love: Gold fillings
Faith: Silver fillings
Hope/joy: White fillings
Jesus: Dentist
Holy Spirt: Dental Hygienist
Yes we were on task.
Anyway. Ich must schlafen, und tazen gehen. (I have to go sleep. And dance.) Dance first.


Christy said...

Yes! I love the metaphor! Deep stuff...

Unknown said...

wouldn't escapism be more of a candy type metaphor? it's kinda like a good thing in life, but too much of it is bad, too. maybe y'all meant a different manner of escapism.