Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'm bored. Stuck in math class with nothing to do. Done my work, have nothing to catch up on, and no way I can sleep. Not that any of that really matters.
Last night was the preview performance of the school play 'The Curious Savage' tonight is the offical opening night. Last night was fun. It went down with only a few mishaps. A phone for example. In one scene the phone rings, Dr. Emmett rushes to get it and he answerd 'Hello... (bla bla bla)' and the phone rang again, while he was holding it. It's moments like that that I absolutly LOVE being backstage, because you can laugh and not get in trouble for breaking character. I have no character to break. We also have our own little version of Ponoccio in our play. It's one of the characters son John Tomas is a doll throught the whole play, but at the end when you get to see the characters as how they see themselves and their lives, he's a real boy! So backstage had lots of jokes about Ponoccio, and because the doll is creepy people would make fun of it as well. The boy playing the live John Tomas is quite cute (for a little 8 year old playing a 5 year old).
So why am I filling this blog with pointless rambles about nothing important? I don't know. I felt like it. I tend to fill in silences and blanks with pointless rambles. I annoy the heck out of people doing it too. I just can't help it, I don't think about it, the bluttering just come out without my thinking about it.
Oh chaple yesterday was intriging. It was an hour long! Normally that would be cause for groaning and complaining. But it wasn't. The speaker was really good. He was talking about a whole bunch of things, and I won't try to copy it. But he spoke about us being salt and light (it's like GC all over again), and how we don't yell at meat going bad, so we can't blame society for going wrong when we are doing nothing to perserve it.
He was also talking about self harm and such. Apparently 1 in 6 teens have a problem with self harm, depression, sucied and such. I hang out in a group of six girls so that could be one of us. As well he said that by the time were his age (he's 36) 1 in 3 girls will have been assulted. That's another possible two in our group. Now assuming that the one with problems of self harm is not one of the two who are assulted that's 50% of my group! That struck all of us hard.
Well the bell is going to ring soon. LUNCH!!!!!
Type to ya later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

really? 1 in 6 people self harm? ha ha, guess i'm in that 1, then. sounds like your play went well then. that's good.