Tuesday, July 8, 2008

House of James - the ultimate book destination?

I have come to the conclusion that I don't want to primarily be a Christian author. For a few reasons. One there is a certain stigma that comes with being a Christian author, that your book is going to be crammed full of Bible verses and the character always being a 'perfect little Christian'. I don't want my books to be about that. Then I find a large portion of Christian authors don't write as well as they could (amazing Christian authors like Ted Dekker, and Frank Perretti excluded). A friend of mine blows it off by saying 'well who is it for the glory of?' For God I know. But sometimes I think God is sitting up in heaven hitting the heal of His hand to His forehead going 'Children I have given you this special talent. Use it well. To the best of your ability. Don't write half heartedly.' For me I'd rather read a well written story that isn't by a Christian author, then a not so well written predictable Bible-verse crammed, easy allusions to Bible story packed books that are written by Christians 'for the glory of God'. I don't see why a book is so much better because it is in the House of James (or any other Christian book store) then it is at Coles, or Chapters, or Borders, or any other secular book store. I want to write books that Christians AND non-Christians will love. That can be sold in Christian books stores, AND Coles. I don't always want to have a Christian MC (main character) who goes to church and reads her Bible and prays when she wakes up before each meal and before bed. I'm not saying I'm never going to have Christian MC's, but I don't want all of them to be. I want real characters and not all real people are Christians.
See I want to write books that do glorify God, but not by being a half hearted attempt to copy the Bible (although I do have a story idea from one of the parables that Jesus told). I don't want to just write books for the Christians who already know God. I want to write books for the non-Christians who I can subtly point the direction to the path that will lead them to God. I want to write books that celebrate how different people are (although I don't think I'll have a Muslim or Sikh MC. Only Christian, Atheist, and Agnostic MC's). I want to write books that don't always make Christians look like the good guys (because we aren't always good people) but at the same time I don't want to slander them. I want to write books that reach out to people of all kinds, that they can get anywhere, not having to go to a Christian book store to do so.
I want to be an author who is a Christian, not a Christian author.
That being said I will have stories of girls (as I know nothing of how guys think I don't think I ever could have a male MC) who are Christians, and rely on God for everything. But the things that happen to them won't happen because they are Christians, they happen because they are human. But they get through it by being Christians, and relying on God.
I want to write clean books that don't have sex scenes, and swearing (although some non-christian character might get the 'a string of profanities left their mouth' line that so subtly hints at swearing), but at the same time I want to characters and situations to seam real.
I've caught meself in a delima me thinks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sounds rather like what a lot of bands are doing and stuff. like flyleaf? heard of them? they're not christian rock. but everyone's a christian. so they flow the secular stream and it's fine. besides, they're like alt metal/rock and it's shweet.