Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hello from the world of little to no sleep.

As the title suggests I am a little tired. You see Thursday night to Friday morning I got four hours of sleep. Friday night to Saturday morning was another four hours of sleep. I might have gotten six hours of sleep between Saturday night and Sunday morning. I can't remember how much sleep I got between Sunday and Monday, but I worked on Monday so that took a lot of my energy. I got about eight hours between Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday (last night) I spent the night at a friends and got about six and a half hours sleep. So I am a little tired. But oh well. Nothing can be done about that. I'll eventually get my sleep schedule all worked out again so I won't be this tired and out of it for school.
Wow I got distracted easily. I started this post at eleven thirty, it's now ten to one. Oops. Facebook. He he. *blushes and looks away*
Anyway what I wanted to post on here was SOME of what I talked about with my friend last night. (Only a few things because some of it was something that was just between us, and some things I have glued, zipped, and sown my lips to keep myself from spilling it).
So anyway as always seams to happen when the two of us get together, the majority of our talking revolves around two things. Guys and God. I honestly don't talk about God as much anywhere else (even at Church) then I do in a good two-three hours with my friend. We also talk about school. She's home schooled, and I've been to public and private school, and we go over the pro's and con's of both. So out of this there is two things I want to post, and then I am going to go and hit the sack (well more of fall on the sack) for the night.
The first is about guys. I think it sucks being a teenager in the time frame that I live in. Especially a Christian teenager. Because there is all this pressure to 'just do it.' And as a Christian you can't just jump into bed with someone and do it. There is this whole ceremony called a wedding that has to happen first. As well I am not allowed to date (according to my lovable youth leaders) until I am old enough to get married. Which means all but ignoring guys as anything more then friends. Which at times sucks. Especially now that I hang out with guys. I start noticing things, like 'oh this one is such a gentlemen' or 'you can tell that this one really loves his girlfriend' or 'this one looks cute'. However, rest easy my lovable youth leaders, I don't want to date any of them. They need to grow up a bit more. Or at youth. It's new to me there to. At my old youth we really went the Menno way, girls sat on one side boys on the other and never the two shall meet (not because the youth paster wouldn't let us, we just didn't mix), here I've been sitting there writing, and sure girls will ask to read it (which I am totally used too) but what is really shocking is some of the guys will come sit next to me and ask to read what I'm writing. If I let them (which I usually do) they read it, say they like it (no one has yet to tell me they hate my writing, besides me. I wish someone would) and leave.
And then I also notice how one guy at the youth is even more of a gentlemen then the others, or how this one has a sense of humor, or this one sings nice, or this one is a bad boy (but not really I don't think he is at heart), and so on and so on.
That is why it sucks to be a Christian teenager at the turn of the twenty-first century.
Then why it would suck to be a teenage guy at the turn of the twenty-first century. If you look around at add's, it's always women half dressed in clothes that reveal way to much. And if they guy wants to stay pure he has to try not to look at these, and that has to be excrusiatingly hard to do. Add that to the fact that I think God gives every guy a desire to protect, and take care of girls and that today's society tells guys if they do that they are abusive or they try to feminise guys, they probably have no clue what to do.
It probably sucks even worse to be a teenage guy then a girl.
And the whole marriage thing in general. People don't marry until they are in there twenties (it is now moving to thirties). However people become ready (and biologically willing) to have kids around thirteen-fifteen. Add that to the fact you are now waiting ten years after that to get married, hormone's are everywhere. It SUCKS! (Yes I know I use that word a lot).
I am tempted to leave part two out for another day. And I think I will because A) I am dead tired. B) This post is already really long. and C) It's of the nature that I think should get a fresh post. I'll post it tomorrow promise.
(Oh and to my loveable wonderful youth leaders you haven't posted any comments lately *although with a new baby it's understandable why*)
Anyways night people.


Unknown said...

haven't been here for a while. mickey d's sounds busy and a bit busier than i would like. a lil' overwhelming. not my thing.

some of your observations about teenage guys and girls are true. are you saying your youth leaders forbid you to date or whatever at this age?

Aurum said...

Well not forbid. Buy highly recommended not to.
I would agree anyway. I don't like anyone at the moment anyway.