Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And so begins the year of school

Alright, I lied. I did not post what I was thinking the day after my last post like I said I would. Sorry. However it was one of those things that I should have just spat out to begin with, because after a good nights sleep I decided I didn't want to post it on here. Sorry.
So anyway here I am back at school. In the middle of the school day, online, blogging. I know I know, what is this crazy girl doing?!? However I am in my spare (sorry 'study') that I get once a day. Fun fun fun. Well only for half the year and I plan on helping out the grade one class during this spare so I won't be blogging on here much then, but when I am not helping and have something to report I shall, and will. I hope. Now lets see, before this block I had Lit. First class of the first day and I already had homework. Sad I know. I had to read the first act of The Tempest (Sheackspears last play). We read most of it in Lit so it wasn't that big of a deal. Next (after lunch) I have Psych (ya! I spelled it right *and then almost spelled 'spelled' wrong) and then acting. Yes I know I have a VERY lax year.
Oh and by next Saturday I should have some things of interest to report as I will have spent a grand total of two days in school. Amazing I know. But that's the wonders of gradutating and having lit. We have our grade retreat on Tuesday and Wednsday and on Friday the Lit class is going to go see The Tempest at Bard on the Beach.
Now what else has passed. Why what else but I'M FINALLY 17!!!
And I had to work on my birthday. Not fun, I know. But it was still great. And then afterwords I went to a friend of my dad's house because he was holding a BBQ for the youth group (not the whole youth showed up, most of the younger kids, and some of the older ones). But there was a birthday cake there. It was great.
And now I have nothing else to type out at this moment. I am bored stiff, have no clue what I am supposed to do during a spare when I have nothing to do. No homework, no stories to write(well I could start writing but I don't want to save it), no friends to bug. However most of my friends (well the guys, and one girl) are in my spare, however she is doing something else at the moment and I don't want to be the evil little friend and disrupt her. So yes the no friends to bug is mostly my fault.
Anyway lunch is soon so I'm getting off.
Oh one more thing, chicken 'salad' (flaked chicken) from a can smells like cat food.

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