Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dr. Pepper!

So how are you all? I'm great. Tired, beyond tired really, but great. Last week was hectic and that is why I am tired.
Last week started out with a Monday of school (duh). Tuesday I got to carry a heavy backpack full of clothes, and a sleeping bag to school, to get on a bus to go to Vancouver to get on a boat to go to an island and then did stuff on the island. Wednesday I was still at the island for half the day, then I had to take the bag BACK to the boat to go back to Vancouver to get back on the bus to go back to school. Fun I know. And then Thursday was normal. Friday I had to get up at six twenty in the morning to catch a ride with a guy I don't really know to be at school by the time I normally wake up (seven) for a missions class meeting, then go to one class before getting on a bus to go back to Vancouver to go to Bard on the Beach (a Shakespeare play festival) to watch The Tempest, and then back on the bus to go back to school, then go to my Oma's to have dinner, and then off to my dad's small group. Add into this dance on Monday, and then on Wednesday (only to find out Wednesday was cancelled) I am tired. I know this is very simplistic, but I will go into detail shortly.
Starting off with the grade retreat. So all the grade 12's are in the front area of the school, waiting for the bus. Turns out one of the buses is a little odd. Mainly because one row of seats fit two people (as bus seats normally do) and the other only fit one. So we were cramming two people onto a one seater, and three onto a two seater. But then they got another bus to load most of that bus onto. However there was so many of us that some got to stay on the weird bus. So me and my friends took the first five seats on the weird bus, and the other group took the last five seats. I know we are just that weird that people want a ten seat radius between us and them. But eventually we get to Vancouver and have to move the bags from van (that they were in) to boat. We all made it onto the boat and start sailing to Anvil Island. After about twenty minutes every one was at the front of the boat, because it was cold (which makes us all weird in that we stood out in the cold), and windy and the waves were quite choppy. There was ocean spray everywhere. Eventually the crew kicked us off the front of the boat to go do other things.
Once at Anvil Island we got out cabins and started the first activity. A photo scavenger hunt, in which we went with our whole cabin and one camera to take pictures with as many people from our group as possible in with the various different requirements, and being as creative as possible. Then we got to dress up as super hero's (I was Frauline Bubbles) for dinner, and then for another game of going around try to do various tasks. I didn't like it. Then we had chapel which was create, and then we played Jeopardy, and the funniest thing happened.
Reason why: So one of the categories was POP. Question was "Is the king of pop" real answer: "Michael Jackson" answer that the first person gave: "What is Dr. Pepper?" to which everyone burst out laughing. We go onto other topics, and eventually get back to the POP category, and what just happens to be the next question in that category, why: "How many flavours does Dr. Pepper have?" Honestly I am not joking with you.
Apparently a lot of stuff happened that night, from girls running around topless (so glad I didn't see that), to boys running around in their boxers going into random cabins, hitting people with pillows and throwing fire crackers into cabins. I, amazingly, slept through all of that.
The next day was some massive food fight that I didn't participate in, and then swimming in the ocean. However there was only two ways into the water. A) Walk in from the shore. B) Jump in from the dock. Unfortunately there was algy on the rocks in the water so I couldn't just walk in, and then if I jumped in from the dock I wouldn't be able to touch the bottom, and I can't swim in water that I can't touch the bottom in, so I didn't swim (much to my friends dismay).
After lunch we loaded everything back onto the boat to take the trek home. The boat ride was smoother this time, and we were on charter buses. However my seat; which was a window seat; was not right against the window, and the head rests were flat, so I had no where to comfortably lean my head on to sleep. So I got a kink in my neck from sleeping sitting up with my head on my shoulder.
And that was Anvil Island.
Friday was Bard on the Beach with my English Lit class.
The Tempest is a great play. It's funny, the little romance (between Miranda and Ferdinand) was small and subtle. Watching the performance was amazing. However, a few things irked me. One being the fact that Caliban is supposed to be UGLY! However the guy who was playing him was HOT. It is so hard to be mad at a character when he is that good looking! And then they made Trinculo and Stephano; the drunk men who Caliban claims is his gods because they have 'celestial liquor' are changed into Trincula and Stephana, two drunk ladies of the time. It added a lot more sexual stuff (innocently almost) to the play then was necessary, no matter how funny it became. Then during intermission I bought a shirt with the quote "We are such stuff as dreams are made on" on it. It was a little over priced I think though. It was $26. Then there was a 20% discount making down to $21, and then after taxes $25 (or $24). I was stiffed methink. However I do like the shirt. Anyway I am going to pause here because I have other stuff to do (like help with the grade ones). I am not posting this ASAP, but will work on it later (which then really doesn't effect you all does it, as you will read it all at once?) OH well. Toodles for the moment.
Oops, nothing left to write. Hehe sorry. Off to youth which FINALLY STARTS TONIGHT!!!


k.a.m.u.r.i. said...

Actually, :P, no girls ran around topless. They went outside in underwear to yell "Girls of '09!" and then went back to bed. Or tried to. Unfortunately, some guys decided to come out...bottomless...for a bit, BEFORE they got back into boxers. THAT was the disturbing part and I am ever so glad I did not see that!

Unknown said...

wow... so, sorry, but what was this again? the whole anvil island place thing. frauline bubbles?

$26 bucks for a shirt? oh yeah, you were totally ripped off. no offense, of course. (=